It is very important that you maintain regular backups of your websites to avoid any loss of data should any unexpected event occur.
Regular backups will enable you to restore your websites and/or databases to their previous state.
The information contained here is designed to assist you with making backups of your account.

Here are some simple steps to help our customers maintain regular backups of their websites.

1) Login to your account at

2) Click on the down arrow next to Services on the menu and select My Services from the drop down list.

3) On the right hand side of the service you wish to backup, click on the View Details button.

4) Near the bottom of the page you should see a button named Login to cPanel. When clicked this should automatically log you into your cPanel without the need for entering login details.
(If this step should fail, please select Open Ticket from the menu and then select Techical Support and send us a description of the problem you are having and we will look into it for you.)

5) Once logged into cPanel, locate the Files section and click the Backups logo.
All of your important files and databases can be downloaded from here. If you have any problems or you are unsure about this please also send us a Technical Support Request and we will be happy to assist you.

It is very important that customers maintain their own backups regularly as this is the responsibility of the user and we cannot guarantee being able to restore your accounts following a critical event. We now maintain weekly backups of all user accounts on our server and these will be available for download by the user, also on the Backups page in cPanel. Should a restore be necessary from a full account backup and you experience any difficulties please send us a Technical Support Request and we will carry out the restore procedure for you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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